How to find your passion in tech?

How to find your passion in tech?

Photo by Caleb Fisher / Unsplash

Note: This blog article is intended for anyone interested in learning more about career paths in technology. The main issue with self-learners is that they don't know what they like and don't know how to find their passions in technology:/

Regrettably, I was one of them a long time ago, but I overcame it in my first year.
Let's get started!

Before writing the blog post, I should describe my life before university and how I discovered my love. You can skip to the What to do section.

My journey

Before going to university, I lived in a dormitory during my high school years, and we had one new teacher assigned to us for our study period. (He was watching out for us and encouraging us to study:)) I also noticed that the teacher codes at night. (He was developing a library management system in C#.) I asked him to occasionally stand next to him and watch him code. He agreed, and after a week, I asked how I could install Visual Studio (the tool he codes in, also known as IDE) on my computer. I had a terrible PC with 512 megabytes of RAM, an Intel Pentium processor, an 80 GB hard drive, and Windows XP. I gave him my SD card with usb-sdcard converter, and he uploaded some video lectures! I went home over the weekend and put all of the videos in there, then waited a day for Visual Studio (I forget which version) to install. I installed, then setup took a long time. Following that, I eventually create the magical code. Console. WriteLine('Hello World'); strangely enough, worked. I was astonished. Then after some simple scripts, readline-writeline, and so on, my machine broke, and my adventure with C# was over.p

After that catastrophe, I never wrote code until my university preparation year. One of my classmates takes his Python Programming book into the dorm. I was reading the Python book while he was engaged with other things; the book was the second half of the Python and included some Web subjects like HTTP... Again, my desperation persists. 😔
Then, when studying for the university, I learned a little Python using the REPL and web-based educational content, but it was never enough for me:)

I was accepted to university and chose to attend English preparation program, where I learned Python basics in both English and Turkish. I began with Turkish courses and then moved on to English programming websites like geeksforgeeks and W3School. At the same time, I attended all local programming-coding activities. (From Cyber Security to Neural Networks) The day has finally come. I attended the NeuralNets seminar. I had the opportunity to question the speaker on Math, Neural Networks, and, of course, AI. Despite the late hour, he patiently answered all of my questions...

and I decided to learn as much as possible about ML-AI-Neural Networks, because everyone experiences imposter syndrome at some point in their career. Of course, I had imposter on numerous occasions, but I never gave up.

So there you have it, my route, full with flaws and ups and downs.

What to do?

To begin, you should study more about domains in the IT industry. It is up to you whether you do it with a plan or at random. I went to a lot of local events (Google communities - GDG, DSC, or IEEE CS community), and I watched event recordings during the lockdown. As a result, I was able to learn a little bit about all of the paths. The goal is just to get knowledge about technical areas.

At this time, you can master the fundamentals of programming in one language, perhaps C; taking the CS50 course would be an excellent choice for both beginners and intermediates.

Moreover, using the try-out method, you should determine whatever topic most interests you. You don't have limitless time to try every field that interests you. You must optimize your path and test it rapidly. The most crucial thing, in my opinion, is to find your niche. If you discover it, you will have beaten the previous version of yourself. Nobody, as far as I can tell, guides university students in these problems. Most teachers simply teach a bunch of facts and then do not channel students into their passion. Besides from that, some people will point you to well-known tools and languages. My advise is to study systems and processes rather than focusing on language or tools.

This section is missing something.

It's time to evolve yourself.

Creating know-how in your field. Until now, the important thing is choosing your field, because when you have a particular field to improve yourself, it's so easy to find resources in regarding field. But, of course

A man without the right and adequate education is likened to a ship without a rudder and without an anchor driven by the winds of chance and circumstances

When it comes to finding your passion in tech, it's crucial to have a roadmap or a plan that guides your learning and development. There are two main approaches you can take - the shotgun and the sniper.

The shotgun approach involves gaining a broad understanding of various fields in tech. By exploring different areas, you develop analytical thinking skills and a versatile mindset that enables you to think outside the box. This approach can be valuable for those who are still figuring out where their interests lie or who want to gain a well-rounded understanding of the tech industry.

On the other hand, the sniper approach involves focusing deeply on a specific field in tech. By honing your skills in a particular area, you can become an expert and develop problem-solving abilities that are valuable to that field. This approach is ideal for those who have already identified their passion in tech and want to immerse themselves in it fully.

Whether you choose the shotgun or the sniper approach, having a plan is essential. It provides a sense of direction and purpose, which can be particularly helpful when pursuing a passion in tech. With a clear roadmap, you can set goals, measure your progress, and stay motivated along the way.