

Photo by hao wang / Unsplash

A website with a "now" link takes you to a page that informs you what this individual is interested in at this time in their life. People refer to it as a "now page" for short.

Mert's Diary is an independent publication that I'm started right now (February 23') If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Mert's Diary to continue to exist. Thank you!

While I would describe myself as a very online human, I'm thriving as a self-aware individual attempting to return to defaults (nature of social dynamics). Trekking, basketball, and calisthenics are some of my favorite on-site activities. In additional, I ’m currently living in Turkey and seeking opportunities to study/work overseas.

What I'm up to can be divided into three major components for becoming the best version of myself: health, wealth, as well as relationships.


So let start with health.

After some injuries to my body, I became more concerned about my health. Prior to the lockout, I had been practicing Calishtenics exercises irregularly for about three years, and I had hurt my lower back and left shoulder. Furthermore, I'm aiming to be more regular in my exercises now that I've joined in a gym and am occasionally going the gym. In addition, my two best pals are crazy about basketball. In my spare time, I keep them companionship. Aside from that, I don't want an inflexible, tight, and strict physique, therefore I'm focusing on mobility and flexibility workouts right now.

Secondly, I'm more concerned about my sleep routine right now. In the nights, I drink green tea to help me sleep better:)


I'm honing my skills in the Data Science domain, particularly in production-level ML. After gaining some experience, I would like to work in the field of independent hackers, with an emphasis on creating data-driven, production-level applications and tools. Fun fact: While many people desire to be millionaires, 95% do not make the necessary efforts. I am a doer, and I will undoubtedly become one in the future.

Right now, I'm probably working as a Community Coordinator at Iterative, an MLOps startup, sharpening my Developer Relations abilities. Moreover, under Relationships, I should add a section for community activities. Iterative technologies are really intriguing to me, and I'm working to expand community awareness about them. I'm attempting to develop some integration possibilities with other interesting open-source tools.


After being accepted to the university, I became aware of how poor my communication abilities are. I did a little more study on this subject and discovered information from the book "Carnegie Mellon - How to gain friends..." I'm also on a mission to develop and forge new relationships at college. During my first year at college, I had a lot of new friends, but when the lockdown occurred, most of those relationships disappeared. I studied really hard since I wanted to understand more about Python Programming and Data Science. I vowed to myself that I would make new friends every single day once school started on-site. As I was quite involved in online data science forums in 🇹🇷, the day arrived and I once again met a lot of individuals.

Everybody I encounter on my quest looks like an NPC from this world. Only a small number of us share this mindset, and we are almost certainly not part of the matrix. If our relationship works out, you'll be leaving the matrix with me, so don't be offended.

In any case, the section on relationships is endless. I'll now explain more about the communities in which I lurk, message, and wait for opportunities to participate. Fun fact: I enjoy making newcomers feel welcome in communities.

As you can see from the above, I may come across as not being too concerned with money, but I'm actually improving my storytelling and content production skills in order to become an advocate for living without debt. I'm taking a variety of programs on Skillshare along the way, and I'm particularly interested in soft skills and growth-mindset development.

Community Activities
PyData: The PyData community is a group of open source data tool beginners and advanced users. In my leisure time, I like watching recordings of PyData events.

Iterative: I'm investing more time in here because I'm working as a community Coordinator on the Iterative. It is a more sophisticated and high-quality community. It's also fun to learn and improve your code-reading skills from others in the community. There is also a course for people who want to learn more about Iterative tools and MLOps concepts like Data Versioning, Pipeline Automation, and Experiment Management. Look it up right here!

The ML Collective: I'd want to talk more about the independent research-focused MLC community before mentioning other fantastic groups. I spent some time in the Reinforcement Learning channel previously, but I'm currently more interested in the Prod-ml channel. Also, I'm taking the initiative to prevent channel from being archived and will be launching MLOps Implementations events here shortly, so stay tuned!

DataTalksClub: The most attractive Data Science community; amateurs should check it out. I'm following the DTC since the overall number of members is in the thousands. Machine learning, data engineering, and MLOps may all be learned for free in online courses. Visit here to see more! The MLOps Community meets the demand for the exchange of in-the-field engineers' best MLOps techniques. People here are intensely focused on finding solutions to the distinctive problems they face each day as they construct production AI/ML pipelines. Come find out more about the data space's production side.